Things To Do During Slow Birdfeeding Months

Fall is usually a slow birdfeeding season. There are things you can do to be ready for the birds to return.

  • Keep a birdbath with clean, moving water. Birds may not be eating seed, but they still need water. Water is the best way to keep birds coming to your yard.
  • Clean your feeders. Use soapy water to get the dust and oils off the feeder. Use a mild bleach solution (one part bleach to nine parts water) to disinfect the feeders. Rinse thoroughly and let the feeders dry completely before putting new seed in.
  • Reduce the amount of food you buy. You want to use any seed  you get within a month. If you usually get a 20 lbs. bag, you may consider a 5 lbs. bag. Buying smaller quantities more often will help keep your seed fresh and insect-free. We will reduce the price of our 5 lbs. bags to be the same price per pound as the 20 lbs. bags throughout the fall months.
  • Repair your feeders. Look for missing parts, cracked tubes, rusty metal pieces and rotten or splitting wood. Repair those pieces to be ready for the birds to return later in the fall.